This 'Utang-na-loob' mindset
Towards a Practical and Empirically Grounded Account of Útang-na-loób as a Filipino Virtue Jacklyn A. Cleofas Title of the journal/publication: Kritika Kultura URL or web address: Filipinos are known to be extremely social and hospitable; they like to eat, drink, and hang out with their family and friends often. Filipinos are friendly and sweet, they usually make friends easily. And the most noticeable of them all, they smile a lot which makes it easier for strangers or even foreigners to feel at ease. However, there is a uniquely Filipino concept that is often brought up when a person's relationship with his/her parents is strained, this is called "Utang na loob". Although this(virtue) isn't only limited to his/her parents but this can be applied to anyone as long as an individual owes something, you owe it for a lifetime which is terrible and unethical. I even thought that this...