
The Never-ending Fight

   Gretchen Diez: Sogie Equality bill?    The history of the LGBTQ+ community is a bit complex as it was not perceived by society as norms. In recent years, the LGBTQ+ community has gain passage and international support particularly United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to acknowledge to have rights globally. Although it took longer to recognize the wrongdoings and the victims from the past. Inequality and discrimination for the LGBTQ+ community still remain a challenge in the Philippines. The struggle that is known in the country for almost 2 decades.    According to (Martinez, 2019) 28 years old Gretchen Diez, a transgender woman from Novatas city goes viral in social media. A Facebook live video of Diez being arrested after being prevented from using a female restroom on August 13, 2019 (Tuesday) in Farmers Plaza, a Cubao Mall in Quezon city. Before getting arrested Diez at around 1 pm that day she fell in line for the women’s/...

This 'Utang-na-loob' mindset

Towards a Practical and Empirically Grounded Account of Útang-na-loób as a Filipino Virtue Jacklyn A. Cleofas Title of the journal/publication: Kritika Kultura URL or web address:    Filipinos are known to be extremely social and hospitable; they like to eat, drink, and hang out with their family and friends often. Filipinos are friendly and sweet, they usually make friends easily. And the most noticeable of them all, they smile a lot which makes it easier for strangers or even foreigners to feel at ease. However, there is a uniquely Filipino concept that is often brought up when a person's relationship with his/her parents is strained, this is called "Utang na loob". Although this(virtue) isn't only limited to his/her parents but this can be applied to anyone as long as an individual owes something, you owe it for a lifetime which is terrible and unethical. I even thought that this...

The Change of View in Women in the Philippines

Reinforcing Myths about Women in Philippine Culture: Semiotic Analyses of the  Sexbomb Girls in Eat Bulaga’s Laban o Bawi Trina Leah Mendoza Title of the journal/publication: Kritika Kultura URL or web address:    In media, stars play a significant role as well as in society. They do not just provide entertainment but  in fact they can serve as role models. For the better or worse, they have a powerful impact on their audience/fans; how they view themselves and the world. They can even influence attitude and behavior. Moreover, fans idolize celebrities so much that they aspire to be like them. And their perspective on this events or things may change as well. This goes the phenomenal rise of the popular girl group in the Philippine entertainment industry, Sexbomb girls. Even if I was just only an infant  around that time, their debut, I've heard that they were really ...

The Struggles

The Coming Out of Memory: The Holocaust, Homosexuality, and Dealing with the Past  Arnaud Kurze Title of the journal/publication: Kritika Kultura URL or web address:    In recent years, the LGBT community has gain passage and international support particularly United Nations Human Rights Council(UNHRC) to acknowledge to have rights globally. However the history of the LGBT community is a bit complex because the society didn't perceive Lesbians, gay, bisexuals, and Transgenders as norms. It was really hard for them despite the fact according to the saying "All men are created equal" the community still struggles to fight for equality. And looking back and reading the history of it really breaks my heart:(( I cannot imagine just by being gay is punishable by death. You were perceive to be toxic to the society, the mere existence of you is a disgrace to the society as if you were sick...